
Book Launch Wednesday May 10th!

The day is almost here! Take a look at our family pre-launch interview with podcast host, Tracey Poffenroth-Prato. We're all excited!

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Amp’d Up 211 Podcast Interview

I so enjoyed this podcast with Rick Bontkowski, host of Amp’d UP 211 (despite having to disrobe mid-interview due to a hot flash. Haha!) Check out the other interviews Rick has done and support this amazing platform!

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Why “Good Enough” Parenting is Better than Perfection

Somewhere months into the Covid-19 pandemic, I remember reading about the collective sigh of relief parents everywhere were exhaling. While mixed with fearand dread, comments like “I can get off the parenting treadmill for a while,” “I’m finally...

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Give the Gift of Listening

I work in healthcare and have the privilege of listening to lots of patients from all walks of life. It’s an honor and a gift to be with patients and families at their most vulnerable and trying times. I strive to be trusted as a safe, nonjudgmental, open set of...

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Life Hacks for Tough Times

Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison before he became the first democratically elected president in South Africa. Oprah Winfrey grew up poor and on welfare, was sexually abused twice, and went on to become a media mogul and entertainment...

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TIME. The gift that does not keep giving

Today is the nine year anniversary of my accident (my “traumaversary,” as it is sometimes called). I almost forgot this date as the day approached! One of the advantages of acclimating to a new normal I guess–the significance of this date looms less and less in...

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