
Individual Coaching:
In addition to being a certified life coach, Chris has over twenty years of experience in the field of mental health, program development, and mentorship. Aptly called “a highly empathic individual,” Chris has worked for over eight years in healthcare, companioning patients through life-changing injury, disability, pain, grief and loss. She also has co-facilitated parent support groups and mentored moms of children with special needs, including Developmental Trauma Disorder (RAD), autism, and other behavioral challenges.
If you’re feeling stuck, or in need of personalized non-judgmental support, let’s talk!
Couples Coaching:
Chris and her husband Scott (a school psychologist and guidance counselor) have coached dozens of other couples struggling with raising challenging children, including Reactive Attachment Disorder. With both of their professional and personal experiences (being able to talk the talk AND walk the walk) Chris and Scott get it. They’ve walked through fire in their marriage, and want to help you save yours.
A dynamic and engaging presenter, Chris is available for speaking with your organization. Chris has spoken at many conferences, including The Southeast Regional Trauma Education Conference, The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Convention, The 2015 WomenSprit Conference, The Gift of Adoption Fund / Foundation, The Madison Area Association of Spiritual Caregivers Annual conference, UU Youth-Con, and at various other educational institutions. Chris is available to tailor a presentation to suit your needs. Topics she has previously spoken on include:
Overcoming Obstacles, Healing our Broken Parts, Self-Care For Adoptive Parents, From Me to We: Finding Hope in the Land of Misfit Toys, Adaptive Sports, Recreation and Creating Community, Reactive Attachment Disorder and the Family System, ACE’s (Adverse Childhood Experiences), How to be a Healthcare Self-Advocate, “Quality of Life: A Psycho-Spiritual Approach. ” Chris and her husband Scott are available to speak on Reactive Attachment Disorder: A Primer for Schools.
Have an idea you want to discuss? Please fill out the contact form.
Chris is a freelance writer who has written for various publications, including The Huffington Post, Psychology Today, Amplitude Magazine, The CPTSD Foundation, Elephant Journal and others. Please fill out this form if you have an idea you’d like to discuss.
Chris has been guiding and leading personal, women’s, staff and teen retreats for over 30 years. Please contact Chris to tailor a retreat to fit your unique needs, or the needs of your organization.
Have an idea you want to discuss? Please fill out the contact form.
IEP (Individualized Education Plan) Consultation and Advocacy
Scott is a school psychologist and a dad who “gets it.” From both sides of the fence.
As a school psychologist for over 30 years, Scott has extensive experience with the special education evaluation and Individual Education Plan (IEP) processes. He is also an adoptive father of two and the parent of a child with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). Scott has worked closely with school staff in creating and implementing the IEP goals of targeting the unique, complex needs of many students, including RAD and other learning and behavioral disorders.
Also a self-described “eternal optimist” and rockstar wannabe (with an interest in classic rock), Scott has been described as caring, approachable and dedicated to students and families.
He is available for consultation about any facet of these processes and, depending on scheduling, may also be available as an advocate for parents at eligibility and IEP development meetings. Please refer to the Connect page to schedule an initial discussion of your concerns.